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Saturday 21 March 2015

Specific judgements become global in a blur of speed - mindfulness helps you to pull back to what's useful

When we make judgements we can move, in a blur of speed, from the specific to the global. For instance:

Specific: I forgot to book the table for dinner. That's really inconvenient. I should have written it down. I really wish I hadn't forgotten.

Global: I always forget important things. This is further proof of my general uselessness. I'm a waste of space.

It's the global judgements that do the real harm, that lead us into a morass of negativity and that are distorted, exaggerated and unhelpful (at best) or dangerous (at worst).

When you practise mindfulness you

  • get better at spotting that speedy transition from the specific to the global and 
  • can pull back to the specific 
  • or, better, back to an awareness of what it would help to do next.

How? Some or all of these will help:

  • Bring your attention to your breathing.
  • Notice the feeling of your feet against the floor or ground.
  • Rest your attention on whatever task you are performing.