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Tuesday 31 December 2013

A mindfulness routine

To help with mindfulness practice it can be very useful to have a short routine that you can go through a few times a day. If the foundation of that routine is awareness of your body, it becomes easier to remember and implement. Here is an example:

As you are reading this, notice your shoulders and let them relax a little. We tense up our shoulders, often unconsciously, if we are stressed so it is helpful to begin by noticing and relaxing your shoulders.

Next notice your breathing but without trying to control it. When your mind drifts away, return your attention gently to what you are doing.

Now notice your posture. Awareness of posture has been regarded as a valuable mindfulness practice for centuries. Whether you are sitting, walking, standing or lying down, become aware of what this feels like.

What you have done with this routine is to step out of the stream of the wandering, drifting mind and into deliberate awareness, in this case of your breath and your posture. Whenever you use this routine - or one of your own if your prefer - it will bring you presence of mind instead of having a mind that is easily swept away by events, thoughts or emotions.

Using a smartphone? Click here to learn about my online, two hour and six week mindfulness courses.